Intel Core i3 i3-560 vs. Core i5 I5-650

We tried to compare two famous processors through matching their specifications and features. This time, we considered to compare Intel Core i3-560 Vs Intel Core i5-560 processors. Manufacturer is the Intel for both processors and both are desktop processors. There are so many specifications that are clearly matching with each other. The matching specifications are Core Name ClarkDale, micro architecture is Nehalem, technology microns is 0.032, socket is 1156, frequency is 3.2 GHz, Turbo Frequency is 3.467/3.333GHz., L1 cache of 64KB. L2 cache of 512KB, L3 cache of 4MB, Maximum temperature is 73, maximum power dissipation is 170.83, TDP rating is 73W, Core Voltage is 0.65-1.4, Cores are two and multiprocessing is one. These many things are matching well between both processors. Importantly clock frequency and Turbo clock frequencies are similar. Definitely, there will not be much difference with performance of both processors as the major important specifications are synchronized to similar.

We found few differences with features between both processors. Core i3-560 is with AMD64 and Core i5-650 is with EM64T. Similarly, Corei3-560 is with Dynamic Acceleration and Core i5-650 is with Turbo Boost. Core i3-560 is featured with Power Now and Core i5-650 is featured with Enhanced Speedstep. Also, Corei3-560 is with Virus Protection and Core i5-650 is with Execute Disable bit. Core i3-550 is lacking AES instruction and Core i5-650 comes with Trusted Execution Technology. Rest of the differences with the features is quite minute and can be ignored. There is a little difference in pricing too and Core i3-550 comes at $138, whereas Core i5-650 priced at $176.

The specifications are indicating that both processors are similar at performance and offering equal clock speed and Turbo Clock speed. Still, there are few differences with features and those differences resulted into price difference between both processors.

Intel Vs AMD

A long fight of Intel and AMD will be the topic that will be covered in this blog. Most of the time, it is the Intel that leads, but AMD has been able to give surprises many a times.

AMD's latest bulldozer processor are expected to give a tough fight to the Intel processors. The Sandy Bridge did not deliver as expected - not at least in the area of the Processor performance. Sandy Bridge did improve upon the performance in the area of the Graphics.

AMD however, has been able to lower the cost and thereby, eventually customers benefit by the tough competition between the AMD and the Intel. The fight has benefited neither the AMD, nor the Intel but the customer.

We expect this epic battle to continue. In the forthcoming articles, we will be covering this battle topic after topic. We will not only analyze AMD Vs Intel, but will also look at the similar processors from AMD and Intel.

Stay tuned for more information.