AMD E-350 Vs E-450 Spec Comparison

E-350 Vs E-450 E-350 Vs E-450 Specifications in a Table AMD E-350 Vs E-450 benchmark

Here is the Table Comparing AMD's E-350 with the E-450 - the fusion processors from AMD.

Table : AMD E-350 Vs AMD E-450 Feature Differences

Feature AMD E-350 AMD E-450
Core Frequency 1.60 GHz 1.65 GHz
No. Of Cores 2 2
Cache Organization 2 x 512 KB 2 x 512 KB
Turbo Frequency No Turbo
No Turbo Support
TDP Rating 18 Watts 18 Watts
64 Bit Support Y Y
Lithography 40 nm 40 nm
 Memory Controller DDR3-1066 DDR3-1333
Integrated Graphics Yes, HD 6310, 500 MHz Yes, HD 6320, base clock 508 MHz, Turbo 600 Mhz

As you can see from these specifications - the clock frequencies are almost same. The E-450 has only 66 MHz more clock frequency than  the E-350 ( both have 2 cores).

The E-350 has higher clock frequency for memory controller  DDR3-1333 as compared to DDR3-1066 in E-350. The E-450 also offers faster integrated graphics.

If graphics is not your main concern the two processors have similar performance. The E-450 will have about 1% to 2% advantage with slightly higher DDR3 memory clock and slightly faster processor.

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