AMD E-350 Vs E-450 comparison

E-350 Vs E-450 E-350 Vs E-450 Specifications in a Table AMD E-350 Vs E-450 benchmark

- The AMD's E-350 is clocked at 1.60 GHz while the E-450 is clocked at 1.65 GHz - only a slight increase
- The E-450 has higher DDR3-1333 support, which is a bump up from the earlier DDR3-13066 MHz support in the E-350 ( Source: wiki)
- The Integrated Graphics unit has uses newer core and possibly supports that turbo functionality.

- The L2 Cache on both these processors stays same at 512 KB for each of the two cores.

- The GPU frequency sees a bump to 508 MHz in E-450 ( the E-350 has a speed of 500 MHz). More importantly the E-350 will see a turbo action and its turbo frequency will bump to 600 MHz.

- The E-350 does not feature turbo while the E-450 comes with turbo functionality. This should give some amount of the performance boost.

The release of the E-450 is still few months ahead. We will have to wait and see. Apparrently the customers wanted CPU with higher speed ( like 1.80 GHz). AMD may have disappointed on the CPU clock frequency front.

Still, the E-450 promises a good acceptance in netbook and small notebook area where graphics performance is a concern.

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AMD E-350 Vs E-450 comparison

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