Dell I15RN-6824DBK Vs HP ProBook 4530s XU015UT

A comparison of the notebooks that have same processors can be a good starting point to see if a notebook is priced well for the features or not.

We are presenting a comparison of Dell I15RN-6824DBK and HP ProBook 4530s XU015UT , both of which are powered by core i3-2310M - the Intel's second generation core i3 processor. The Dell's notebook has however more made more juicy with extra memory and a larger hard disk. However, HP notebooks suck with a large number of unnecessary preinstalled software.

The HP Probook is available at around $480 while the Dell's notenook  is at around $600 at best buy. We therefore feel that HP Probook 4530s XU015UT   is more reasonably priced.

Check the comparison in the chart below.

Table : Dell I15RN-6824DBK Vs HP ProBook 4530s XU015UT Comparison

Notebook Dell I15RN-6824DBK
HP ProBook 4530s XU015UT
Dell HP
Core i3-2310M Core i3-2310M
No. Of Cores
2 2
Processor Freq
2.1 GHz 2.1 GHz
6 GB 4 GB
Hard Disk
500 GB 320 GB
15.6 inch 15.6 inch
Integrated Intel HD Integrated Intel HD
2 USB 3.0, DVD Drive Ethernet, USB 3.0, wifi, VGA Out
Other Features
Dell's I15RN-6824DBK has an HDMI output that will let you see the content on and HDTV. Its low price and modest features makes is a good buy. DVD+/-RW SuperMulti DL LightScribe, integrated webcam
USB 3.0 ports, HDMI, Sandy Bridge Processor Bluetooth, USB 3.0, reasonable price ( under $500)
Dell Brand Name Lots of pre installed software, not a gaming laptop
Notebook Details
If you can live with Dell's lacklustre support ( if you do not use the laptop heavily, this notebook will be very good for you, especially at the price at which it is offered. HP's new notebook is a moderate performance machine with advance features such as USB 3.0 and bluetooth. If you are not looking for high end gaming, this notebook should be more than enough for you. Be prepared for the un wanted program - this notebook comes with a lot of them preloaded.