Intel Core i3-550 Vs AMD Phenom ii X4 840

We compare the benchmark and features of Intel Core i3-550 and AMD Phenom ii X4 840. They form a very entertaining and amusing comparison as both of them have same clock frequecy. One is from Intel, while other is from AMD. Now take a look at the chart that brings out the difference in the two processors.

You may also like to note that AMD Phenom ii X4 840 does not has the Integrated GPU while the Intel Core i3-550 does have one. The integrated GPU will save you some cost BUT, in case you can do with its somewh - its perfat low performance.

Tablle : Core i3-550 Vs Phenom ii X4 840 Feature Differences

Feature Core i3-550 Phenom ii X4 840
Core Frequency 3.20 GHz 3.20 GHz
No. Of Cores 2 (4 Hyperthreads) 4
Cache Organization 4 MB 2 MB L2 Cache
Turbo Frequency No Turbo No Turbo
TDP Rating 73 Watts 95 Watts
64 Bit Support Y Y
Lithography 32 nm 45 nm
Integrated Memory Controller DDR3-1333 DDR2/DDR3
Integrated Graphics Yes, Base 733 MHz, No Turbo No Integrated Graphics

Table : Core i3-550 Vs Phenom ii X4 840 Benchmarking Comparison
Benchmarks Core i3-550 Phenom ii X4 840
PassMark Score 3086 3750
Super Pi 2M (Lower in better) Not available Not available
3D Mark 06 CPU Not available Not available
Windows 7 Experience Score Not available Not available

Some more details of Core i3-550

Intel's Core i3-550 is the Clarkdale processor, with Integrated GPU on the second die. The two dies are connected back to back like Siamese twins. The graphics runs at 733 MHz.
The I3-550 does not has turbo boost feature, the reason why it will be underperforming as compared to the similarly clocked i5 and i7 processors. The processor can however be overclocked using higher clock frequency and/or clock multiplier setting. The arrival of the newer second generation Sandy Bridge processor with better performance, especially in the integrated graphics may make this processor obsolete for new purchases soon. AMD's quad core Athlon II and Phenom II processors have given stiff competition with their lower pricing.

Some more details of Phenom ii X4 840

For just a little over $100 ( $102 to be precise), the quad core Phenom ii X 4 840 promises an impressive performance. Clocked at an impressive 3.20 GHz, and launched in Jan 2011, the processor extends the competitive life of the Phenom ii X4 800 series and keeps it competitive against similarly priced Intel processors including the low end Sandy Bridge Core i3 processors

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