I am trying to build a PC with the with the following components
1. Intel 2nd generation Sandy Bridge Core i3-2100 processor clocked at 3.10GHz
2. The ASUS P8H61-M-LE chipset/ USB Rev3 Sck 1155
3. Exceleram E30137A RedCulvert 4Gb 1x4G
Besises that I am also trying to get the following required component
4. DVD LG dual layer drive 22x ( I know this is not important)
5. WD 500GB 32bit 7200RPM
6. Coolermaster EliteRC
7. Corsair Builder Series CX500.
I am looking for better performance for games like Assassins Creed Brotherhood , Fallout New Vegas , COD BLack ops , BATllefield bad company 2 and battlefield 3;
My question revolve around the graphics card about which I am undecides.
I have made up my mind around the following
It is going to be either GTX460 or the GTX 560 Ti.
My qurstion is - which of the two would be better ?
P.s Im not looking to max out the setiings
This GTX 560 Ti is better than the GTX 460. According to the
The Battlefield Bad Company 2 gives 49 fps for GTX 560 Ti , while it is 35 fps for GTX 460.
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